A Troop,2nd Illinois Cavalry Regiment
My Art Work
I often struggle with the idea of conforming to a single signature style which is often at odds with my intuitive, creative, artistic and emotional thinking style and need to explore and experiment. However, if you look close enough, you will see connections. My early work in the area of sculpture and ceramic pottery leaned toward the abstract and non-representational. Over time, I gradually migrated to realistic, two-dimensional representational and figurative subject matter--but never completely abandoned non-representational subject matter. Regardless of the subject matter, I strive to explore the depths and subtleties of human experience based on a synthesis of my experiences, memories, and direct observation. My work flirts with the nature of reality and how to represent it. My realistic renditions incorporate a certain amount of abstraction in the tradition of the early 19th century American realist artist Edward Hopper with his concise style, everyday imagery and content.
What is Real?
I believe that there is an objective reality but individual perception of that reality is dependent upon the lens through which we choose to look. We see only what we want to see or believe to be true, i.e., our perceptions obscure reality. However, I intend that my paintings will change your perception of an image which can be altered by how and where it appears, separate from the original source. I want you to be drawn into a relationship with my creations that causes you to look beyond your own experience and see and think about my work on my terms and from my perspective. If this works, perhaps you will acquire a different perspective, a new way of seeing.